I’ve heard about your trust in Jesus, our Master. And I know of your outpouring of love to all of His followers. I cannot stop thanking God for you; it provokes me to remember you in all of my prayers. This is what I ask for you…
I pray that the Father of our Master Jesus, the God of all that transcends, may breathe into you the capacity to know Him more intelligently and intimately.
May your focus be clear to know exactly how to enter into what He has designed for you. If you can do that, your hope for what is ahead becomes strong and secure. You realize that he invites all of His followers into the immensity of this way of living. There’s even more beyond. It is your inheritance and it cannot be taken away.
The extravagance of His power and energy is available to all of us who trust Him. It is the same kind of dynamic that raised Christ from the dead. It is the kind of vitality that placed Jesus, our Master, in authority over the entire cosmos. No one and nothing is exempt from His rule, from now to kingdom come.
He is the center and circumference of all things, especially for the new humans: His new community through which He chooses to speak and to act. And He is continually filling them with His presence.
Ephesians 1:15-23, a paraphrase.