All God’s People Prophets

bible close-upThe writing prophets (Isaiah to Malachi), make up about 20% of the Bible.  These books are rarely read and studied by those who profess to be Christians.  They are used for occasional references at Christmas, for proving an eschatological agenda, or for grabbing an out-of-context verse for devotional purposes.

Prophets insist that we deal with God as God reveals Himself, not as we imagine Him to be.  He is to remain at the sovereign center and is not to be marginalized. 

In the next couple of posts we shall look into these writers and their writings.  We begin in this post by looking at the order in which they were written and at the meanings of their names.

  • Obadiah-“Servant of the LORD”
  • Joel-“The LORD is God”
  • Jonah-“Dove”
  • Amos-“Burden Bearer”
  • Micah-“Who is like God?”
  • Hosea-“Salvation”
  • Isaiah-“The LORD is Salvation”
  • Nahum-“Consolation”
  • Zephaniah-“The LORD Hides”
  • Habakkuk-“One who embraces”
  • Ezekiel-“Strengthened by God”
  • Jeremiah-“Jehovah Establishes”
  • Daniel-“God is my Judge”
  • Haggai-“Festive One”
  • Zechariah-“The LORD Remembers”
  • Malachi-“The LORD”S Messenger”

It was Moses who stated, “I wish that all of the LORD’S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put His Spirit on them.”