Amen, Amen: Conclusion

When we calibrate everything we consider to be the truth in reference to Jesus and His Words of authority, we do so in glad submission and in the comfort that this is the only true foundation for our lives.  Again organized in an expanded translation format, we will now complete the “Amen, Amen” statements of Jesus from the book of John.

“I say this to you with absolute confidence, so listen carefully to me.  Accept my word, obey my word, and guard my word.  Then darkness, destruction, and death will have no power over you.” (8:51)

“’I AM!’  This has been true before anything or anyone came into existence.  I am eternally present, and I already inhabit the future.” (8:58)

“I speak truthfully and emphatically.  Beware of those who seduce and bewitch you, deceiving you with empty, yet seductive promises that lead down a pathway of darkness, division, and destruction.  These are predators and soul vandals.  Listen to me as I call you by name.  I have created an identity and a destiny for you.  Seek the truth in my person and purposes and you will be liberated.  Embrace this freedom.  I have come to give you life that is more abundant than you could ever expect or imagine.  I AM the only source for real security and sustenance.” (10:1,7,9-19)

“My humiliation (on the cross) simultaneously became my exaltation.  In me and through me grace and truth resonate and radiate.  The truth is, that unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it remains only a solitary seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds, sprouting and reproducing itself many times over.  So it is, the one who lives within the sphere and influence of the world shall be progressively and consistently diminished.  But if you let go – reckless in love – you will experience life that is real and eternal.” (12:23-25)

“I AM the pattern and the prototype, and I have given you an example to follow.  Practice humility.  Be eager to serve others.  There is no better way.  This is truth.  This is life.” (13:15-16)

“As the Father sent me, I AM sending you as authoritative ambassadors of the gospel of the Kingdom.  Your message of reconciliation has been validated.” (13:20)

“This is the sobering truth.  It grieves me when you deny me.  It disturbs me when I have been betrayed.” (13:21,38)

“Are you with me?  Do you trust me?  If you believe in the One who sent me, you will do what I have been doing.  But I am returning to the Father.  The truth is this…I will empower you by my Spirit within you, and you will do exponentially more works than I have done…until I return.” (14:12)

“The culture fluctuates between frivolous celebration and frantic chaos.  It seeks its fulfillment and answers from anything and anyone – except its Creator.  It is time for you to fix this firmly in your mind…this will cause you to grieve, lament, and bear a heavy burden.  But the truth is that this sorrow will be turned to joy.’ (16:20)

“When you calibrate your life to what I have revealed to you, you will discover that providence synchronizes with your participation and you will experience joy to the fullest.” (16:23-24)

“This truth is undeniable.  In your youth you experienced physical vitality.  As you get older your strength and energy diminishes.  Regardless, this truth remains, ‘Follow Me.’” (21:18)