Zechariah, along with Haggai, his contemporary, shared in the task of encouraging the people to rebuild their ruined temple and city after the captivity in Babylon. Haggai was a “brick and mortar” kind of guy; “Let’s build the structure,” was his mantra. Zechariah set out to restore to a people their identity that was as devasted as their homeland. “Build toward your future. God has not forgotten you!” [Zechariah’s name actually means “God remembers.”]
Zechariah was a prophet. He brought a God-intoxicated, God revealed and knowable order to the present chaos. (1:3) He also opposed any who sought to reduce God by their words or actions.
Zechariah was a poet. He used the language of imagination and interaction in his visions. (4:2; 5:2, 5) They were written as experiences more than explanations.
Zechariah was a priest. For those who would believe the promises and accept forgiveness, he encouraged them to live by faith. (4:6) Zechariah contains more Messianic prophecies than any other prophet except Isaiah: they reference both his comings. (9:9; 12:10; 14:1-5, 9)
“Be still before the Lord all humanity, because He has aroused Himself from His holy dwelling.” (Zechariah 2:13) Our God is on the move! Let us watch what He does and participate in it!