How can we walk out the Word if we do not know the Word? WordWalk volunteers are believers who make this goal a life-journey. WordWalk helps individuals use their talents, gifts, and resources to follow the Spirit’s guidance and energize their vision for the kingdom around the globe.
Tell us how you study the Word!
Observations from episodes of THE CHOSEN

MINIMALIST PSALMS by WordWalk Director, Michael Rollwagen
WORN OUT PAGES by Pastor, Jeremy Hall
THIS IS HOW WE KNOW The Intention of Fruit by Artist, Lori Reece
Featured Blog Series:
HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE?! Culturally induced dilemmas lead to culturally infected thinking resulting in culturally impotent remedies. We must be courageous enough to ask a searching question as did Ezekiel as he found himself and his people in the midst of exile. He declared, “How then shall we live?!” (Ezekiel 33:10) The answers are in our eternally firm foundation.
- EAT THIS BOOK A return to the supremacy, authority, and sufficiency of God’s Word.
- PRAYING ALWAYS The necessity of intense intercessory and imprecatory prayer.
- ONE ANOTHER Our development of mature, responsible, and accountable local assemblies of God-followers.
- FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Each believer’s recognition and implementation of their personal call and purpose from God.
- ALWAYS READY Display of the personal and corporate courage to walk a faith-fueled and intelligent witness.
- EXTENDING OURSELVES The demonstration of an empathetic, skin-in-the-game burden for the marginalized.
- ENTER THE MYSTERY Sincere manifestation of a praise-infused unity among the people of God.
What did the 16 Biblical prophets write about crises like covid 19?
One Hundred Ideas for Mining the Treasures of the Scripture
Video overviews of each book of the Bible from The Bible Project
Volunteer Resources
- Safety and Wisdom in Using Social Media with Friends in 3rd World Countries
- Passport & Visa Guidance
Sacred Services
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Personal Counseling
Mission-Connections & Education Customized to Your Church Need
Guidance to Equip Your Ministry Team Members
- Help your committees and teams work together in churches and ministries
- Deliver lay-leadership principles for your churches and ministries
- Avoid confusion when leading others through ministry change
- Strategically plan to strengthen your common ministry-direction