The modern concept of the church is more the construct of the culture than the community of the people of God. Far too often it is more of a corporation where performance has trumped genuine worship, where pastors are celebrities instead of servants, and where comfort has displaced commission. The church has become a fortress that protects an initiated group of insiders instead of being an outpost that ministers to the marginalized. Finding our way again will likely require the following:
- A tenacious trust in the sovereignty of God
- The faithful and consistent teaching of the whole counsel of God followed by obedience
- A concentrated and passionate focus on prayer
- The institution of the family as the foundation of the broader community
- Relevant issues in the culture confronted with respect and intelligence
- Partnering and cooperating with others outside our immediate local groups
- Manifesting genuine and sacrificial generosity to meet needs
- Commissioned, compassionate, and courageous spreading of the good news of the kingdom of God locally and internationally