God Is Sovereign

God is sovereign.  God is self-sufficient.  Nothing takes Him by surprise or confounds Him.  His purposes for the entire cosmos will come to pass.  God provides for, protects, and keeps promises to those He has chosen.  They are graciously invited to participate in the divine nature and in the fulfillment of His kingdom.

To live in rebellion to God leads to chaos, confusion, and eternal consequence.  Rebellion against God is a selfish extrapolation of arrogance and ignorance.  It leads to a life consumed by presumption and prejudice.  Self-exaltation and self-indulgence are dangerous and deadly.

Submission to God’s sovereignty is our only hope.  This does not produce intellectual arrogance; it produces genuine humility.  This is not resignation to fate; it is the acclimation to resurrection and freedom.  This truth does not paralyze us; it stimulates us to all holy endeavors.  It gives us confidence in prayer and a love for Scripture.  It provides us with a proper perspective on culture and world events.  It makes us aware of our significance before God and our promised destiny.  The sovereignty of God makes us passionate in our witness and for missions.  It instills love and loyalty for the people of God.  It gives us the strength to persevere and to be comforted in the midst of trouble and trials.  We become joyfully generous and creative in expressions of goodness.  To take God seriously is to know God intimately.  This is life eternal.