The messenger to the assembly at Laodecia is to relay this message. These words are directly from the One who is the Amen, signifying certainty and veracity. He is the Faithful and True Witness, completely trustworthy and accurate. And He is the initiator and originating source of all Creation.
I know your works and deeds inside and out and I find that you are neither cold nor hot. You are not necessarily despondent, but you are certainly not zealous about your faith life. I wish that you were one or the other.
There is a subtle kind of deception that accompanies being tepid, stagnant, and lukewarm. You nauseate me to the point that I am about to vomit you out of my mouth.
You boast of the wealth that you have acquired. This attitude draws you into a false sense of security about your spiritual condition. You are oblivious to the fact that you are wretched, pitiful, poverty-stricken, and naked.
This is the best counsel that I can give to you. To all of you wealthy bankers and investors, you had better strive for the kind of spiritual fortitude that is produced as if it was gold refined by fire. To you fashion gurus and garment sellers, seek a life clothed as by the white garment of purity and holiness. You are presently disgraced and disfigured by a lifestyle of nakedness and shame. And you need spiritual sight in order to recognize and respond to the truth.
Because I love you there will be times when I must reprove, rebuke, chasten, and discipline you. Respond earnestly and eagerly. Change your faulty and diminishing way of thinking.
I am at the door of your assembly and I am knocking. If there is any individual who will open the door to me, that person will find that I will come in and sit down and dine with him or her. We shall feast together.
To the overcomers, conquerors, and victors, I will grant the opportunity to sit with me in a position of authority, even as I have already taken my place of honor with my Father. Are your ears awake and alert to what the Spirit is expressly saying to all of the churches?!
Revelation 3:14-22…an expanded translation.
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