Thanks to guest author, Rudolph John Barbaric II
I stand firm, unmovable, on the infallible, incorruptible, inerrant, indestructible Word of God, the Bible! God’s Will is God’s Word.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh, the size of a tiny baby, and dwelt among us. And thou shalt call His name, Jesus. Jesus is the Word. Therefore, in the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God and Jesus was God.
I have an unshakable, resolute belief that God cannot lie and ALL of His promises are written in impenetrable stone and set for all time in eternity. I focus my spiritual eyes on God’s promises and not the circumstances of my life.
I have an unwavering, steadfast belief that my Heavenly Father loves me as much as He loves Jesus and Jesus loves me as much as He loves the Father. How do I know this? God so loved the world that He GAVE…Jesus so loved the world that He CAME to earth, born to a virgin girl. From the cross where Jesus hung on Golgotha’s hill, there flowed a crimson stream of blood and the DNA analysis reads unlimited LOVE, unending MERCY and GRACE beyond measure.
I have an unfailing, enduring belief, that GOD’S GRACE was FULLY exhibited and expressed through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. I now have an abundance of GRACE that includes, present and future, forgiveness of sins, healing of sicknesses and deliverance. I am now a child of God and a joint heir with Jesus. I have, in Jesus, everything that Jesus has—I stand, in Jesus, righteous (in right standing) before God, I, in Jesus, have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. All these blessings, and so much more, are already mine and come to me by simple cooperation with the Holy Spirit, through faith. I REST in God’s GRACE.
I have an uncompromising, deep-rooted belief that the Holy Spirit was given to me as my guide and teacher. The Holy Spirit is working in me, sanctification—the process of growing, maturing, becoming more and more like Jesus day by day. The Holy Spirit is working through me, help me to help others. The Holy Spirit is working for me, Giver of spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit (given to me, working in me, working through me, working for me) empowers me to accomplish things that I could never do on my own—to go beyond my human limitations. I walk around with more Holy Spirit POWER in me, than a nuclear power plant.
I have an unchangeable, inflexible belief that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is unchangeable! Miracles and healings are available today as they were two thousand years ago, by GRACE through faith.
Finally, I have an unrelenting, dogged-determination, a belief that a mind bathed with desire to please God, a mind submerged in a deeper understanding of God’s love, soaked in patience and saturated with PRAISE offerings to God, will act as a spiritual sponge, absorbing the necessary ingredients to produce PURE FAITH. And pure faith, less than the size of a sesame seed, is all I need to move mountains, in Jesus Name.
Yes, I have an unmovable, unshakable, unwavering and unchangeable belief that God is unmovable, unshakable, unwavering and unchangeable concerning His promises. God, by GRACE, has already anticipated and supplied every need I will ever have. The method of receiving my needs is by grace through faith. I REST in GOD‘S ETERNAL GRACE.
Amen and Amen!