As the prophet Amos declared of old, “There is a famine in the land, not of bread or water, but of hearing and knowing the Word of the Lord.” Most of our churches teach and preach from 30% or less of the Bible. This results in the deconstruction of the complete message of the Word and the failure to equip the people of God in proclaiming it. It is imperative that believers are taught “the whole counsel of God.” This consistent and obedient pursuit of the Word will provoke one to start a multitude of personal and creative studies. This spills over into the student finding treasure whenever and wherever he or she seeks the truth in the Word. In this “One Hundred Bible Studies” series, we have looked at some examples of these studies from the Old Testament. Now we shall focus on the New Testament, and conclude in the next post with studies lending themselves to the whole Bible. To reiterate, these lists are not exhaustive and more information is available upon request.
- The “I AM” statements of Christ
- The further claims of Christ affirming His deity
- Comparing the Last Supper/Communion passages in the Gospels
- The Beatitudes
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The entirety of the Sermon on the Mount
- The Olivet Discourse
- Jesus’ last night with the disciples before crucifixion (John 13-17)
- Sayings/quotes of Christ from the cross
- The Disciples/Apostles
- Parables of Christ
- Miracles of Christ
- The hard/difficult sayings of Christ
- Pharisees Sadducees, Herodians, etc.
- Those Roman rulers
- The chronology of the first century throughout the book of Acts
- Communication in the book of Acts
- Paul’s six visions in Acts
- The Missionary Journeys of Paul
- Who are the “Seven” in Acts?
- Over 80 companions of Paul that he mentions by name in his epistles
- The prayers of Paul in the Epistles
- The origination and growth of the “Church” in the New Testament
- Pastors, elders, deacons and church leadership
- The Gift and the gifts of the Spirit
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- Love, a more excellent way (I Corinthians 13)
- “One Anothering” in the New Testament
- The Armor of God
- “Think on these things…” in Philippians
- “Wisdom from above” in James
- “Let us” statements in Hebrews
- Hebrews 11… the Hall of Faith
- “Adding to your faith” in II Peter
- The Seven Churches of Revelation
- Characteristics of the “overcomers” in Revelation
- Psalms/Songs in Revelation