The Apostle Paul had seven visions, all of which are recorded in the book of Acts, then lived out through his journeys and his writings. The first of these visions (9:3-6) describes his conversion. Here Paul has his initial encounter with the risen Christ. He begins to understand that God has a sovereign intention for his life. He then becomes progressively aware of a transformation that is taking place as he daily adjusts and acclimates to the trajectory of his life in accord to the leading of the Spirit within (22:17-18). This is much deeper than character development. A call or awareness of purpose begins to emerge. The third vision (16:6-10) is that of direction, also referred to as “the will of God.” What does the will of God look like? Will it involve obstacles or persecution? Are there times when it seems as though God is not speaking or guiding His people? What is the appropriate response to the will of God? The following thoughts may begin to speak to some of these questions.
When the Scriptures give us clear direction, obey immediately. Several statements in the Bible are plainly identified with the phrase “this is the will of God.”
Sometimes the purposes of God initially involve a healthy sort of tension and receptivity may be less than smooth. Progressive clarity comes from the discernment we receive form the Spirit of God. We limit that clarity if we fail to obey with intention.
Life decisions include the purposeful seeking of trust in God through the Scriptures, prayer, the leading of the Spirit, a community of believers, and other factors. But once we do make a decision, this faith will mean that we are prepared to enjoy or endure the results, knowing that God is simultaneously maturing us as well as getting the glory for Himself. We obey with integrity.
In the next post: “PROTECTION.” Where does true security come from? From a human perspective, is God obligated to deliver us from every difficulty?