The church today desperately needs to rediscover the person and work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit has been misinterpreted, misrepresented, insulted, dishonored, and slandered. He is not an impersonal force for ecstatic energy. He is not to be ignored. The Holy Spirit is wholly God and possesses all the attributes of God. The Spirit is sovereign and active in creation, the incarnation, revelation, salvation, and in the consummation of the kingdom of God.
In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit (ruach) is the giver of specialized talent, the source of wisdom, and the origin of supernatural abilities.
In the Word of God the Spirit inspires the transmission of God’s revelation to humanity. He illuminates believers and activates the truth of God in their hearts and minds, He and empowers the proclamation of the good news of salvation.
In salvation the Holy Spirit is involved in the justification, sanctification, and the glorification of the believer. He regenerates, indwells, transforms, and seals every child of God.
In the New Testament the Holy Spirit (pneuma) testifies of Christ, edifies the church, imparts gifts for service, pours the love of God into the lives of the saints, and makes intercession for them.
The Spirit is the source of fellowship, liberty, unity, power, and hope.
In the world the Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and the pending future judgment.
Do not quench, grieve, or resist the Spirit of God. Walk in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit, and continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit.