Remember These Things

As an organization, WordWalk is non-denominational and supports Christ focused ministries around the world and in our local communities. We coordinate, consult, and execute short-term initiatives, and we give sustained provision for missionaries, church planters, educators, and humanitarian relief. WordWalk is a 501c3 non-profit, structured with an active advisory board.

As an organism, WordWalk comes alongside followers of Jesus Christ to educate and empower them to fan into flame the gifting God has given to them to expand and enhance His kingdom. In every venue where we serve, we strive to make everyone aware of their personal significance before God. In learning and respecting other cultures, we develop life-long relationships with brothers and sisters around the world. WordWalk labors at the task of developing sensible and sustainable strategies in the furtherance of the gospel. There is never any closure to our efforts, only aperture.

As obedient, WordWalk lives according to the revelation that we are to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).