Riches In Secret Places – Pt 2

Where shall wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell?  It cannot be found among mere mortals.  There is no way to comprehend or estimate its worth.  Dig far into the earth, dive deep into the sea, and you will hear it whispered, “Wisdom is not here.”  It cannot be compared to gold or silver, diamonds or sapphires, pearls or rubies. These precious commodities could not even suffice as a down payment on wisdom.

Where shall wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell?  It is veiled from humanity and concealed from earth’s creatures.  Surely the dead would have a grasp on it.  But death and destruction weigh in and admit, “Only a faint rumor of it has reached our ears.”

Where shall wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell? God alone knows the way to it; He knows the precise location of its abide.  He sees everything on earth and in the ever-expanding heavens.  His periphery is infinity.  His intelligence, perception, and cunning are beyond comprehension.  He establishes the source and the force of the wind; He gives the mighty seas their boundaries.  He plans the rains and times the explosions of lightening and thunder.

God established and celebrated wisdom.  He thoroughly tested and confirmed it.  Then He addressed the human race and He said, “Be in awe and take me seriously.  This is wisdom.  Leave evil in the dust and pursue intimacy with me.  This is understanding.”