Shake and Shine

With the Beatitudes swirling in the minds and hearts of the disciples, Jesus continued to exhort them.  His followers were to live in the world without being defined or consumed by it.  Isolation, indifference, and ignorance were not to characterize the true Christ-follower.  They were to be distinct, and it would be that distinction that would attract others to the kingdom.  What Jesus says about them is not only what they were meant to be, it is what they were expected to be.  What follows is what He said to them.salt_of_the_earth

“Let me assure you of why you are here.  You are distinctly different from the world, but I am giving you a mandate for those in the world.  As salt, you are a preservative in a world which naturally leans toward decay and pollution.  As salt you are a flavor enhancer, bringing out the God-flavors on this earth.  Your influence should permeate everyone in your periphery.  If you lose your savor, injustice will reign and people will have no witness to godliness.

You are light in this world.  Shine!  Reveal the God colors on the planet.  God is not a secret to be kept.  A city on a mountain cannot be hidden.

I have made you light bearers.  A true believer cannot escape notice.  This world exists in a state of darkness.  You must expose it, engage it, and show people a way out of the darkness.  I am putting you on a candlestick that is meant for all to see. 

Let your light shine radiantly and brilliantly.  Keep open house.  Be generous with your life.  By opening up to others, you will prompt and provoke them to open up to God.  They will hear your words and observe your life.  This will bring glory to your Father in heaven.”