PSALMS 124-127

When you consistently read and study and pray the Psalms you will discover many features and treasures.  Through history and context treasures like the 15 -20 different “collections” of Psalms are revealed, and we find the value of certain groups of Psalms being read and studied as a unit.  Psalms 22-24 have massive Messianic implications.  The Egyptian Hallel (Praise), which includes Psalms 113-118, speak of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt.  But the most prominent of all groupings are the Psalms of Ascent, or Songs of Degrees (120-134), which is the focus of our present study.
In this post our focus will be on Psalms 124-127.

PSALM 124.  The faith journey is hazardous.  A godless and chaotic culture presses upon us causing fear and distraction.  But for the believer, it is Christ, not the culture or circumstances, that is the content and the context of our lives.  And because of Him, our faith journey is one of “help,” originating from the Creator of the cosmos.

If God had not been for us
   Consuming Troubles
   Condemning Enemies
If God had not been for us

PSALM 125.  As difficult and dangerous as the sojourn of faith might be, there is no comparison to the freedom and the fidelity found in obedience to our Lord.  God is our safe place and our security, constantly surrounding and sustaining us.

The Lord SURROUNDS His People
The Lord SUSTAINS His People
The Lord STRENGTHENS His People

Psalm 126.  Much of what we would call the “blessing” of God happens in conjunction with our obedience to the Word of God and our participation in the purposes of God.  “Joy is not a requirement of discipleship, but a consequence of it.”  Joy, so is severely lacking in our culture, is the strength of the believer.

   Without warning

Precious Seed
Bountiful Harvest
Revel in Him

Psalm 127.  We live in a world where God is constantly working. His work is at the center, and He invites us to participate with Him.  The culture though is driven by machines and devices and possessions eroding community and relationships.  Work done in the right way is accomplished by worshipers, not consumers.  God is the Builder, and He guards what is built in our personal lives, our families, our faith communities, and in the marketplace.

God Crafts the Family
God Builds the Community

God Gives Children to the Home
God Adds the Chosen to the Assembly

The Fruit of the Womb is a Gift
The Growth of His People is a Heritage

They will have Influence and Honor
They will Prevail and do Valiantly