The Intimacy of Prayer: Song of Solomon

Solomon’s love song may be interpreted as the relationship of a man and a woman in marriage, the relationship of God with His people (Israel/Church), or as the intimacy that develops between Christ and a disciple in prayer.  It is good to try to identify with all three of these interpretations as you read this poem.  We shall turn our focus to prayer.  We must first understand that the implications toward intimacy found in this book are many.  We will find ourselves on sacred ground as we explore them.  Presently, we shall focus on the following:

  • Intimacy in prayer begins with acclimating ourselves to the mystery of God’s sovereignty. He initiates the relationship.  “Let the King bring me into His chambers.”
  • Intimacy in prayer occurs when God’s perception of who we are becomes our reality. This is our true identity and genuine significance.  “Show me your face, let me hear your voice; your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.”
  • Intimacy in prayer is initially veiled and then progressively appropriated. Communion deepens as we learn the rhythm and the nuances of the relationship.  “Do not arouse or awaken love until it desires.”
  • Intimacy in prayer is our ultimate security and deepest passion. “Place me like a seal over your heart…this love burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame.”

In our next post we shall look at humility in prayer in Lamentations…”it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed.”