Think on These Things

Celebrate God all day, every day!  Revel in Him!  Let your Spirit-led reasonableness become evident in every relationship.  The Lord is present.  Do not allow yourselves to be pulled in different directions by fear and frustration.  Let prayer saturate your lives in the form of worship and adoration, petitions and praise, and grace and gratitude.  The peace of God (selah and shalom) which transcends all understanding and comprehension will mount a guard to preserve and protect you.  Jesus Christ is your sanctuary.  And finally sisters and brothers, think, carefully reflect, and meditate continually on these things:

Is it true?  Does your thinking resonate with reality?  Does it recognize deception?  Is it responsive to the person and Word of God?

Is it honorable?  Is your intent worthy of respect?  Does it inspire dignity and repel the profane?  Does it manifest morals and manners  in an environment of frivolity, falsehood, and factions?

Is it just?  Is this action an outflow of knowing God’s Word and experiencing God’s grace?  Are our words and deeds creatively crafted in compassion, especially to the marginalized?

Is it pure?  Is your life purpose sacred?  Are your motivations honest and genuine?  Is your reputation relatively blameless?

Is it lovely?  Is this message an attractive quality that will brighten the lives of others?  Does it evoke love for the person, action, or object in regard?

Is it admirable?  Does your motive give a wholesome impression?  Does it resonate with your soul and spirit? 

Is it virtuous?  Is your effort intrinsically excellent?  Is there moral and ethical clarity and coherence?

Is it praiseworthy?  Does your life provoke praise and gratitude to God? 

Philippians 4: 4-9