Twelve Wells

A brief time after God delivered Israel from the bondage of Egypt, and following the Red Sea miracle, Israel began a journey through the desert with the promise of God’s provision and protection. They became thirsty as they approached Marah, but could not drink the bitter water. They grumbled and complained about God’s failure to provide for them. Had God abandoned them? By another miracle, God used Moses to make the water sweet. They were unaware that their travels would soon lead them to Elim, a place of twelve wells and seventy palm trees. Here they received sustenance as well as refreshment. (Exodus 15:22-27)

Our discipleship journey through Scripture will lead us to spiritual destinations that are comparable to Elim (which in Hebrew means “strength found in various forms”). The passages in these two posts can be seen as “twelve wells”: God-given resources for a believer’s strength and encouragement. Each passage lists several “palms” or aspects that can expand our reflection and growth. Four of these wells are found in the Old Testament:

  1. The Ten Commands (Exodus 20:1-21). Each command that forbids an action can also be looked at with a positive focus and can even become a conviction for living. Take “you shall not kill” for example; this could be taken as, “respect the sanctity of life.”
  2. The various facets if the Word of God (Psalms 19,119). Notice the complimentary features of statutes, ways, laws, precepts, decrees, commands, and ordinances. Furthermore, the Scriptures are perfect, trustworthy, right, radiant, pure, and steadfast.
  3. The Prayers of Ascent (Psalm 120-134). These songs were sung by those on journey to Jerusalem for required Feast days. They were also sung one at a time on each of the fourteen Temple steps at the time of worship.
  4. The Pillars of Wisdom (Proverbs 9:1). Lady Wisdom has built her house with seven pillars. Search for knowledge, truth, discipline, righteousness, humility, discretion, and understanding in your pilgrimage through Proverbs.

The remaining eight New Testament wells will be in the next post.