Upside Down

flat,550x550,075,fThe disciples of the first century were obsessed with the mandate to take the good news of Christ and His kingdom to the world.

Day after day, in multiple venues, they were aggressive in speaking boldly in the name of Jesus Christ, by the authority given to them by Him.

Their deep and intense passion for what they had seen and heard of the resurrected Savior was not to be suppressed.  Persecution only intensified their resolve.  This intensity was matched by their intelligence in explaining the ways of God accurately, effectively, and persuasively.

As these disciples entered a certain region or town it was said that “those who have turned the world upside down have now come here.”

Watch: Micah Bournes – “Upside Down

[stextbox id=”info”]The recent series of blogs come directly from the lesson preparation and class participation of our weekly gatherings called “Reversed Thunder.” Join us each week until November 13th or view the video archives by clicking HERE.[/stextbox]