In our recent series of posts we have been unpacking the commission of Christ to His disciples to proclaim and implement the gospel (euaggelion) to the entire world, even to the whole cosmos.
Initially, we explored how to recognize this mandate on a personal level (“Get In”). This was followed by practical ways that we can get feet on the ground in global missions (“Buckle Up”). As a result we find ourselves consumed, even overwhelmed by the ways in which God would transform our lives and the lives of others through us (“Hold On”).
Two more topics seem to emerge. First, we will look at some of the common reasons that people give to avoid this command of outreach to the world. Finally, we will suggest some ways to establish a “culture of mission” in our local assemblies. What follows are some of the reasons people give when choosing distance and disconnection over compassion and connection.
- “Missions are not for me.” Christ included all believers in His command to make disciples of all nations.
- “There is more than enough need in my own periphery.” Many will not engage a need at home until they have first seen it abroad.
- “Missions are all about sharing the ‘plan of salvation’ and I am not good at that.” Witnessing is infinitely more than quoting a mantra necessary for someone to escape hell and gain heaven.
- “I am afraid to leave the country because….” Most people are apprehensive about something that they have never done before.
- “Present circumstances hinder me from going.” They do not prevent you from sending, praying, and encouraging.
- “I had a bad experience.” This doesn’t keep us from returning to other venues where this has happened. And God may use that experience in your future growth.
- “Why can’t I just send money?” Most people prefer your presence. Lifelong relationships are priceless.
- “Evil is too rampant and the needs are too overwhelming.” The righteousness, mercy, and goodness of God will prevail.
- “I’m too old.” No you are not.
- “I cannot afford it.” Watch how God will provide.
- “The whole concept of missions is too complex.” Engage infinity and intimacy with courage, compassion, and creativity.